Research Focus: Use of IDK ELISAs to Detect Human AMP in the Intestinal Lumen

A study by Julie S. Hong, et al. from Weiner Lab at Columbia University investigated the application of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) to detect human AMP in the intestinal lumen.
WTF: Why the Frog? The Story of Franz

Have you ever wondered why we include a frog in some of our marketing materials? Read our post to find out!
Research Focus: IDKmonitor® Adalimumab ELISAs
Immundiagnostik’s IDKmonitor® Adalimumab ELISAs were featured in a study aimed to explore the relationship between adalimumab drug levels and biologic remission for Crohn’s disease.
7 Ways to Help Monitor Adherence to a Gluten-Free Diet
There are many ways to help monitor adherence to a gluten-free diet and identify unintentional consumption. Read our blog to discover what each can offer.
New Immundiagnostik Test Simplifies Detecting, Measuring Unintentional Gluten Consumption
Labcorp (NYSE: LH), a leading global life sciences company, is the first U.S. commercial laboratory to offer a new test developed by Immundiagnostik, Inc. to help individuals detect and quantify unintentional gluten consumption.
Research Focus: Calprotectin Mouse/Rat ELISA (S100A8/A9, MRP 8/14)
A study aimed to investigate the connection between serum levels of vitamin D, folate, and cobalamin and IBD-related biomarkers using the IDK Extract®.
eBook: The Connection Between Vitamin D and IBD
Download our ebook to explore the impact of vitamin D deficiency in irritable bowel diseases and learn more about the connection between vitamin D and IBD.