Meet Our Team

All of us at Immundiagnostik have a passion for helping others and building genuine, long-term relationships. Read on to learn more about the awesome people behind our brand.

Chief Commercial Officer

Technical Applications Scientist

Commercial Product Manager

Marketing Communications Manager

Logistics Manager

Karl Florian Wintgens, Ph.D.

Immundiagnostik's leadership team

A Note from Jen & Terry

Welcome to and thank you for your interest in learning more about our company!

After working in the biotech industry for over 20 years, we both observed work-life balance was nearly nonexistent at most companies, while employee turnover rates and stress were high. On top of that, profits always seemed to prevail over doing the right thing for people.

We took the opportunity to create Immundiagnostik, Inc. not only to help improve clinical outcomes around the globe but also to create a company that we would want to work for ourselves.

Our guiding principle as people and an organization is to always do the right thing. This would not be possible without the right people on our team.

All of us at Immundiagnostik have a passion for helping others and building genuine, long-term relationships. We know our strengths and weaknesses, and we challenge each other’s perspectives, while always doing what is best for our customers.

Jennifer Mayes

Chief Commercial Officer
Immundiagnostik's Chief Commercial Officer

“It’s in my DNA to help people solve problems.”

Building genuine, human relationships has been Jennifer Mayes’ guiding light all her life. Growing up in rural New Hampshire, Jen was taught the values of teamwork and fearless leadership from an early age by her family. These beliefs, combined with her energetic and engaging personality, allowed her to become a natural-born leader.

Jen has held Sales leadership roles at Janssen (then Johnson & Johnson), LabCorp, Seacoast Pathology (Aurora Diagnostics), ALPCO, and Enzo Life Sciences. Her professional experience has helped her understand how the life science research, laboratory diagnostic, and healthcare industries are connected and support one another.

Today, as our Chief Commercial Officer at Immundiagnostik, Inc., Jen describes herself as someone who is unable to check out when challenges arise. She is passionate about helping people solve problems and moving forward in a collaborative way that benefits all. To Jen, that means sometimes going against the grain to do the right thing.

Jen most cherishes time spent with her daughters. She also loves music, being outside in nature, traveling, and experiencing new places and people. Someday, Jen looks forward to sharing her professional experience and personal values with others by mentoring young entrepreneurs.

Terry Fisher

Chief Operating Officer
Immundiagnostik's Chief Operating Officer

“Do what you can not to prove them wrong, but to prove to yourself it’s possible.”

Team dynamics have been a driving force throughout Terry Fisher’s life and professional career. He is a purpose-driven leader who has held positions at the U.S. Department of Commerce, IDEXX Laboratories, and ALPCO and has also studied in Poland and Turkey. Terry’s diverse experience equipped him with the diplomacy and negotiation skills needed to consider everyone’s goals and work as a team.

As Immundiagnostik’s Chief Operating Officer, Terry is dedicated to doing the right thing for his clients and employees. He savors the challenge of growing something out of nothing, particularly when others may not believe in his vision. To Terry, it is not about proving your critics wrong but about proving to yourself that you can accomplish anything you desire.

Outside the office, you can find Terry spending time in nature with his family or cheering them on from the sidelines at one of their various sports. He looks forward to collaborating with others in the industry to discover new solutions that benefit everyone, from development to individual care.

Jamie Bolduc

Technical Applications Scientist
Immundiagnostik's Technical Applications Scientist

“My life is a science experiment.”

With a personal interest in public health and epidemiology, Jamie Bolduc knew early on that a medical career was not for her. Being the caring and compassionate person she is, she felt medical lab science would be a space to pursue her passion for learning how science can help people.

Jamie has a degree in Medical Laboratory Science and received her board certification from the American Society for Clinical Pathology. Before joining our team, she was a Technical Applications Scientist at Zeus Scientific, Inc., and worked as a Serologist at the Mayo Clinic.

With her extensive background and wealth of knowledge, Jamie now helps us provide top-notch technical support and assay validation services to the lab professionals we serve as our Technical Applications Scientist. She often jokes her life is a science experiment. She has become an in-house mentor to all of us here at IDK, Inc., helping our team further understand the intricacies of clinical laboratory science.

When Jamie is not assisting our customers, you can find her hanging out with her family or giving back to the community through charity work for Autism Speaks, New Hampshire Families in Transition, and the American Cancer Society. She loves to travel and is always up for trying something new.

Christi Unger

Commercial Product Manager
Immundiagnostik's Business Development Manager

“Science is part of my being.”

For over ten years, Christi has worked in various areas of the biotech industry, from research and development to product management and marketing. Her professional background has allowed her to combine her love of science with a passion for showing other women working in STEM (and beyond) that they have all the strength and power they need to achieve success.

As Immundiagnostik, Inc.’s Commercial Product Manager, Christi approaches her work like a scientist. With natural curiosity, she absorbs the details of a project and views the bigger picture to uncover correlations that can lead to a strategic solution.

Christi enjoys arts and crafts outside the office, reading, cooking, and exploring new places with her two young daughters. She is also a professional lumberjack, firefighter, and advanced EMT. 

Noelle Hurley

Marketing Communications Manager
Immundiagnostik's Marketing Communications Manager

“I’m not a marketer. I’m a communicator.”

Noelle is committed to ethical, honest marketing practices and developing authentic messaging from credible sources. As our Marketing Communications Manager, Noelle appreciates the opportunity to combine her enthusiasm for marketing with her love of health and wellness.

She describes herself as a communicator rather than a marketer. She is passionate about listening to others’ needs and having genuine conversations to develop purposeful content.

In her spare time, Noelle is typically on some adventure with her husband snowboarding in the winter or hiking and camping with their dog in warmer weather. Noelle is a lifetime student of mindfulness and practices meditation and yoga daily. Someday, she hopes to write a book of memoirs.

Matt Romano

Logistics Manager

“I believe in doing what’s right, even when no one is watching.”

Originally from Tacoma, Washington, Matt Romano credits his father for his strong work ethic and understanding of the importance of pursuing what makes him happy. He served in the Iraq War in 2004, where he learned first-hand that the true meaning of integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.

Like his co-workers, Matt firmly believes in the “Work hard, play hard” life motto. At the office, he diligently fulfills our customers’ orders and maintains inventory to help ensure their projects continue running smoothly. Matt is also a self-taught guitar player who enjoys playing music, woodworking, coding & web development, traveling, and fishing in his spare time.

Matt looks forward to buying a home and building a family with his wife.

Karl Florian Wintgens, Ph.D.

Chief Liaison Officer
Karl Florian

“The optimist is not more right than the pessimist, but he lives a happier life.”

Dr. Karl Florian Wintgens began his career at Immundiagnostik AG while completing his Ph.D. in collaboration with IDK and the University of Giessen, where he developed an ELISA for the determination of Myostatin. Since 2007, he has held various leadership roles within the organization ranging from Analytical Services to Technical Support and Quality Management.

Today as Immundiagnostik AG’s Executive Director of International Sales, Karl is passionate about helping bridge the gaps between research and routine clinical testing around the world. He appreciates the opportunity to build relationships within the laboratory diagnostics community and believes living an optimistic life is the key to happiness.

Karl lives outside Heidelberg, Germany, and enjoys traveling, diving, and exploring the countryside on his bicycle or floating in his 20’ foldable canoe.

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